Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Экономика Добычи Полезных Ископаемых & Анализ Рынка
Micon Insights — Diligence Reports — an IE’s Perspective
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Endeavour Financial Limited and Horizonte Minerals Plc Earn «Deal of the Year» Award at Mines and Money, London
Micon would like to congratulate Endeavour Financial Limited and Horizonte...
Unigold Inc. Delivers Positive Feasibility Study for Candelones Oxide Project
Micon was recently pleased to collaborate with other industry consultants to...
The Micon Hour – Why Mines Fail
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Precision in Resource Classification
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon International Limited — Small But Mighty
Liz de Klerk, M.Sc., Pr.Sci.Nat., MIMMM, Micon's Managing Director (UK),...
Понимание того, когда расходы, связанные с отработкой рыхлой и скальной вскрыши, являются капитальными затратами
Большинство карьеров требует удаления рыхлой и скальной вскрыши для доступа к...
Разработка Рудного Месторождения Оптимальными Темпами – Залог Экономического Успеха
Micon может оценить рентабельность рудных месторождений, исходя из...
The CIM Code and Best Practices – Reasonable Prospects for Eventual Economic Extraction
On 29 November, 2019, the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and...
From Metal to Money: The Importance of Reliable Metallurgical Accounting on the Entire Mining Operation
Synopsis This article condenses an earlier paper coauthored by Derick de Wit...
Технико-экономическая оценка проектов разработки месторождений полезных ископаемых
Техническая возможность и экономическая рентабельность добычи полезных...
SEC Adopts Rules to Modernize Property Disclosures Required for Mining Registrants
In 2018, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced...
Shortening Mineral Asset Valuations
In reviewing the Exposure Draft of the CIMVAL Code for the Valuation of...
Mineral Property Valuation: Principles and Procedures 101
Considerable thought and effort has been directed towards developing robust...
Specialty Commodity Sector
Most of us are aware of the ubiquity of lithium batteries and rare earth...