As described in's recent press release, Micon's Senior Economic...
Micon International
Micon Contributes to Doubleview’s Technical Report, Filed September 9
Micon’s Principal Geologist, William Lewis, along with our Senior Geologist,...
Growing the Micon Team!
Micon International Limited welcomes Michael Round, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc.,...
We Are Back and Better! Tune into the 1st episode of our Micon Insights Podcast
Allow us to reintroduce ourselves!️ We are thrilled to announce the return of...
Micon Contributes to Newcore Gold’s Updated Technical Report, Filed June 7
Micon’s Principal Mining Engineer, Kerrine Azougarh, recently contributed to...
Micon Contributes to Osisko Technical Report For Trixie Deposit
Osisko Development Corp. has issued a press release announcing their latest...
We Are Joining Forces…
We are thrilled to announce that Micon International Limited has combined with...
Robex Resources Announces Increase of Inferred Resources, Construction Update and Bridge Extension at the Kiniero Gold Project in West Africa
Micon is pleased to continue to support Robex with the development of the...
Matt Ball received Professional Certificate in JORC Code Reporting
Micon is thrilled to announce a significant achievement within its team as...
Growing the Micon Team!
Micon International Co Limited would like to welcome Ricardo Smith, MSc, MEng,...
Micon Promotes Ryan Langdon to Senior Resource Geologist
Micon is excited to announce that Ryan Langdon, PhD, MCSM, MEarthSci, CGeol,...
Valuation Perception in the Mining Industry, Not Much Has Changed in Nearly 100 Years
While doing research for a project I recently ran across a letter to the...
Galantas Gold Announces Resource Upgrade at the Omagh Gold Project in Northern Ireland
Micon is pleased to have prepared an updated NI 43-101-compliant Mineral...
Growing the Micon Team!
Micon International Co Limited welcomes André Bezuidenhout, MSc, BSc (Hons.),...
Domaining in Mineral Resource Estimation
What is Domaining? In geology, a geological domain refers to a specific area...
Growing the Micon Team!
Micon International Co Limited is pleased to welcome back Andrew de Klerk,...
Teresa Steele-Schober & Roger Dixon – Integrating ESG into reporting codes: CRIRSCO ESG subcommittee
Micon is excited about the latest news on integrating ESG into the CRIRSCO...
Micon Insights — Technical and Economic Evaluation of Mineral Deposits
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon Insights — Geological and Resource Models: Understanding the Differences
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon Insights — Diligence Reports — an IE’s Perspective
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon will have a booth at PDAC 2023. We hope to see you there!
Consisting of experienced full-time consultants, supported by a team of highly...
Micon Insights — Open Pit Mining Requirements Vary with Study Levels
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Osisko Development Announces Initial Mineral Resource Estimate for the Trixie, Tintic Project
Micon is pleased to have independently reviewed and verified Osisko...
The Micon Hour – Lithium Pegmatites – Is This the Right One?
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Endeavour Financial Limited and Horizonte Minerals Plc Earn «Deal of the Year» Award at Mines and Money, London
Micon would like to congratulate Endeavour Financial Limited and Horizonte...
Micon to Prepare the Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for Galantas Gold’s Omagh Project
Micon is excited to cooperate with Galantas Gold Corp. to complete an NI...
Unigold Inc. Delivers Positive Feasibility Study for Candelones Oxide Project
Micon was recently pleased to collaborate with other industry consultants to...
The Micon Hour – Why Mines Fail
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – The ‘Spotted Dog’: Still an Issue in Mineral Resource Classification
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Precision in Resource Classification
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon International Limited — Small But Mighty
Liz de Klerk, M.Sc., Pr.Sci.Nat., MIMMM, Micon's Managing Director (UK),...
Eloro Announces Encounter with Numerous Mineralized Intercepts
Micon is pleased to support Eloro Resources Ltd. in its on-going drilling...
Announcing the Passing of Bill Hooley
Micon is saddened to learn of the untimely death of D. William (Bill) Hooley...
The Micon Hour – Mining and Sustainability
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon is Proud to Support Grinding Solutions Limited
Micon is pleased to be involved in the Business Enquirer’s article...
The Micon Hour – The Importance of Density
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Metallurgical Testing in Project Development
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Anglesey Mining Announces a Sharpened Focus on the Parys Mountain Project
Micon is thrilled to continue to support Anglesey Mining with their Parys...
The Micon Hour – Valuation Approaches for Different Types of Mineral Properties
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Chitrali Sarkar Awarded Professional Geoscientist Designation
Micon would like to congratulate Chitrali Sarkar, M.Sc., P.Geo., on passing...
The Micon Hour — NI 43-101 Technical Reports: What They Are, and What They’re Not
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon объявляет о подписании меморандума о взаимопонимании с Geophysics GPR International Inc.
Дата подписания: 13 января 2022 г. Компания Micon рада объявить о подписании...
Micon is Hiring Senior Technical Professionals
Micon International Limited, a well-established minerals industry consultancy,...
Growing the Micon Team!
Micon welcomes Nigel Smalley, BEng, DipCSM, ProfGrad IMMM, to our team! Nigel...
Micon Elects Derick de Wit to Board of Directors
Micon is pleased to announce the election of Derick R de Wit, MBA, PMP, Pr...
Ecology and Environmental Professionals in the Changing Sustainability Landscape: Mineral Resources and the Energy Transition – by Karen Nash
On 8th December 2021, the UK Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental...
Growing the Micon Team
Micon welcomes Abdoul Aziz Dramé and Chitrali Sarkar to our consulting team!...
ICMM Commits to a goal of net zero by 2050 or sooner
Members of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) have...
Sonoro Announces Positive PEA Results and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Cerro Caliche Gold Project
In a press release dated September 15, 2021, Sonoro Gold Corp. announced the...
Micon is Hiring Environmental Specialists
Micon International Limited, a well-established minerals industry consultancy,...
Micon Sponsors the CIM Capital Projects Symposium
Micon is proud to be a silver level sponsor of the CIM Capital Projects...
Micon Announces Changes in Leadership
Micon is pleased to announce the following changes to its leadership team:...
The Comparative Transaction Curve to Value Specialty Mineral Properties
On Thursday, August 5, 2021, Micon's JV M.Plan International Limited will be...
Micon’s JV M.Plan appoints a new Senior Vice President
M.Plan International Limited, a joint venture between Micon and Dorfner...
Карен Нэш из Micon примет участие в панели Российско-британского онлайн-форума по сырьевым материалам, 25-26 марта 2021 г.
25 марта 2021 года в 14.15-15.45 (по московскому времени) Карен Нэш, старший...
Torngat Metals Ltd.
Dated: December 2019 Micon has worked with Torngat Metals Ltd (Torngat) since...
Навигация по ландшафту ESG (Environmental social and corporate governance), часть 2 – Ответственное ведение горных работ
В предыдущей статье от июня 2020 года (ссылка), мы изложили ключевые элементы...
Открытый исходный код искусственного интеллекта и ранняя стадия геологической разведки
Современный геолог имеет дело с большими объемами данных: с данными...
Понимание того, когда расходы, связанные с отработкой рыхлой и скальной вскрыши, являются капитальными затратами
Большинство карьеров требует удаления рыхлой и скальной вскрыши для доступа к...
Micon contracted by Sonoro Gold Corp. to complete the updated mineral resource estimate for the Cerro Caliche Project in Sonora State, Mexico
In a press release on December 8, 2020, Sonoro Gold Corp. announced that they...
Meet MICON Networking Event — PDAC 2021
Pre-PDAC Networking Event – Meet the MICON Team Join MICON at its...
Шахта Сан-Франциско, Сонора, Мексика
Micon has worked with Timmins Gold Corporation (Timmins Gold, now Alio Gold)...
Micon Awarded Front End Engineering Design for AzerGold’s Chovdar Integrated Process Plant
Front End Engineering Design and Definitive Feasibility Study contract awarded...
Micon to Attend AME’s Remote Roundup 2021
AME Remote Roundup 2021; January 18-22, 2021 Tania Ilieva, Ph.D., P.Geo.,...
Micon is Pleased to Announce that Ryan Langdon, PhD, MCSM, MEarthSci, has Joined Our UK Team as Resource Geologist
Ryan is a resource geologist with over nine years of experience. Dr. Langdon...
Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Libre y La Exploración Minera Junior
El geólogo de hoy en día se ocupa de grandes cantidades de datos: datos de...
Открытый исходный код искусственного интеллекта и ранняя стадия геологической разведки
Современный геолог имеет дело с большими объемами данных: с данными...
L’IA Open Source et l’exploration minière junior
Le géologue des temps modernes s’occupe de grandes quantités de données:...
Navegando el Panorama del ESG, Parte 2 – Minería Responsable
En un artículo anterior de junio de 2020 (enlace), establecemos elementos...
Навигация по ландшафту ESG (Environmental social and corporate governance), часть 2 – Ответственное ведение горных работ
В предыдущей статье от июня 2020 года (ссылка), мы изложили ключевые элементы...
Naviguer dans le paysage Environnemental, Social et de Gouvernance Partie 2 – Exploitation Minière Responsable
Dans un précédent article sur juin 2020 (lien), nous avons présenté les...
Comprendiendo cuándo los costos asociados con el movimiento de tierras y rocas estériles son gastos de capital
La mayoría de las minas a cielo abierto requieren la remoción de tierra...
Понимание того, когда расходы, связанные с отработкой рыхлой и скальной вскрыши, являются капитальными затратами
Большинство карьеров требует удаления рыхлой и скальной вскрыши для доступа к...
Comprendre quand les coûts associés à l’enlèvement des matériaux de couverture et du stérile sont des dépenses en capital
La plupart des mines à ciel ouvert nécessitent l'élimination de la couverture...
Специалисты компании Micon провели оценку влияния минимальных размеров...
Karen Nash joins Micon as Senior Environmental and Social Specialist
Micon is thrilled to announce that KAREN NASH, MA, MPhil, MCIEEM, FRGS, has...
На пути к оценке минеральных ресурсов: Данные
Введение Как было обещано в нашем предыдущем выпуске («Десять главных советов...
Десять главных советов для оценки минеральных ресурсов
Каждое месторождение полезных ископаемых уникально. Поэтому при оценке...
Micon Promotes Nigel Fung to Vice President of Mining
Micon is proud to announce the promotion of NIGEL FUNG, B.Sc.H, B.Eng.,...
Micon технические заявления
Micon рад представить новую услугу, доступную нашим клиентам - Техническое...
Micon to Complete Preliminary Feasibility Study for Magna Gold Corp.
Micon is pleased to announce that it has been retained by Magna Gold Corp. to...
Принципы ESG: Ориентиры в пространстве экологических, социальных и управленческих проблем
Что на самом деле означает аббревиатура ESG? Можно найти множество...
Разработка Рудного Месторождения Оптимальными Темпами – Залог Экономического Успеха
Micon может оценить рентабельность рудных месторождений, исходя из...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Worldwide Pandemic and Site Visits
A key part of the Qualified Person’s (QP’s) review of mineral properties under...
COVID-19: Сообщение нашим клиентам и сообществу
(обновленный 06 августейший, 2020) Быстро развивающаяся пандемия COVID-19,...
The CIM Code and Best Practices – Reasonable Prospects for Eventual Economic Extraction
On 29 November, 2019, the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and...
Оценка ресурсов неметаллического сырья
Первоначально опубликовано на веб-сайте M.Plan International Limited 16 марта...
From Metal to Money: The Importance of Reliable Metallurgical Accounting on the Entire Mining Operation
Synopsis This article condenses an earlier paper coauthored by Derick de Wit...
Battery Metals and the Green Tech Revolution — How Easy is it to Mine in Europe?
The term 'Battery Metals' is now widely used within and around the mining...
Технические отчеты и проблема критериев в оценке проектов
За последние два десятилетия широкое распространение получили технические...
Representatives from Micon to attend AME Roundup 2020 as Bronze Sponsors
Tom Stubens, Senior Geologist, and Barnard Foo, Senior Mining Engineer, will...
Micon President to attend 52nd Canadian Mineral Processors Conference
On January 21-23, 2020, Richard Gowans, President and Principal Metallurgist...
Micon Sponsorships, 2020
Micon is pleased to announce its support of the following mining industry...
Технико-экономическая оценка проектов разработки месторождений полезных ископаемых
Техническая возможность и экономическая рентабельность добычи полезных...
Оценка ресурсов полезных ископаемых
По определению стандарта CIM (стандарт публичной отчётности о запасах и...
SEC Adopts Rules to Modernize Property Disclosures Required for Mining Registrants
In 2018, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced...
Demystifying Blockchain Technology
On Wednesday, 3 October, Derick R de Wit, Micon Principal Process Engineer and...
Foran Files Technical Report for McIlvenna Bay Resource
Micon is pleased to announce that Foran Mining Corporation has filed their...
Shortening Mineral Asset Valuations
In reviewing the Exposure Draft of the CIMVAL Code for the Valuation of...
Remembering Ken Grace, 1936-2019
We will miss Ken Grace who passed away on 25 April, 2019. He was enjoying a...