Micon is experienced in the preparation of Technical Reports in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 and Competent Person’s Reports. Clients seek our opinion on projects at all stages of development from exploration, resource estimation and feasibility studies, through financing and construction, and into production. Micon’s skills and experience are also in demand for technical due diligence during mergers and acquisitions, as independent engineers, and for specialist assignments in property valuation and litigation support.

Property of Merit Reports
Appraisals of mineral exploration potential and of exploration programs proposed for the development of mineral properties are made by suitably experienced Qualified Persons.
Mineral Resource Estimates
Micon is fully conversant with the mineral resource and reserve reporting codes used internationally – CIM Definition Standards, JORC Code, SEC, SAMREC and Russian systems.
Project Feasibility Studies
Micon provides preliminary economic assessment (PEA), prefeasibility and feasibility studies. Studies may be provided in conjunction with the owner’s in-house team with or without overall project management services.
Due Diligence Review
Due diligence reviews are undertaken in support of merger and acquisition and in support of investment.
Independent Engineer/Technical Consultant
Micon provides Independent Engineer and due diligence services on behalf of banks and funding institutions comprising review of project feasibility and environmental and social impact assessments, credit agreements, completion test criteria and liaison with lenders’ insurance consultants.
Litigation Support
Litigation support and expert witness services are provided in cases involving base and precious metals, potash, uranium, coal, and industrial mineral properties, land and shareholder disputes, and fiduciary duty.
Project Management
Project management services are provided for exploration programs, feasibility and environmental studies. Micon staff can also assist clients with the establishment of industry best practices in exploration management, including procedures for sampling, assaying, standards, QA/QC, database structure and data handling and processing.
Technical Statements
Technical Statements are independent summaries of technical information, presented in an investor-friendly manner. Easy to read and aesthetically pleasing, presented in a format that is ideal for your website, booth or email distribution, Micon’s Technical Statements contain factual information distilled from – and supported by – an independent, NI 43-101-compliant Technical Report.
Operational Audits
Mining and processing operational audits are an effective means of improving operational efficiencies and controlling costs.

SEC SK-1300 Technical Report Summaries
On February 25, 2019, the Securities Exchange Commission of the United States (SEC) rescinded Guide 7 and codified its mining property disclosure requirements with the establishment of a new subpart to Regulation S-K (S-K 1300), the Technical Report Summaries. This new subpart was adopted in order to modernize the property disclosure requirements for mining registrants and provide investors with a more comprehensive understanding of a registrant’s mining properties while emphasizing transparency, materiality and competence.
Drilling and Exploration Program Support
Micon’s mineral resource modelling team provides advice on the construction of robust geologic databases, including support to develop, execute and supervise drilling, logging, sampling and analytical programs and practices that control and enhance the value of exploration data and information.
Environmental and Social Management
Micon advises on environmental and social impact assessment and risk management, stakeholder engagement and participation, closure and reclamation planning, environmental and social management systems for mining properties, and environmental and social due diligence audits on behalf of mining companies and financial institutions.