Micon’s Principal Geologist, William Lewis, along with our Senior Geologist,...
Resource Estimate
Robex Resources Announces Increase of Inferred Resources, Construction Update and Bridge Extension at the Kiniero Gold Project in West Africa
Micon is pleased to continue to support Robex with the development of the...
Galantas Gold Announces Resource Upgrade at the Omagh Gold Project in Northern Ireland
Micon is pleased to have prepared an updated NI 43-101-compliant Mineral...
Domaining in Mineral Resource Estimation
What is Domaining? In geology, a geological domain refers to a specific area...
Micon Insights – Geological and Resource Models: Understanding the Differences
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Osisko Development Announces Initial Mineral Resource Estimate for the Trixie, Tintic Project
Micon is pleased to have independently reviewed and verified Osisko...
Micon to Prepare the Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for Galantas Gold’s Omagh Project
Micon is excited to cooperate with Galantas Gold Corp. to complete an NI...
Unigold Inc. Delivers Positive Feasibility Study for Candelones Oxide Project
Micon was recently pleased to collaborate with other industry consultants to...
The Micon Hour – The ‘Spotted Dog’: Still an Issue in Mineral Resource Classification
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Precision in Resource Classification
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
San Francisco Mine, Sonora, Mexico
Micon has worked with successive owners of this property since 2005, when it...
Micon contracted by Sonoro Gold Corp. to complete the updated mineral resource estimate for the Cerro Caliche Project in Sonora State, Mexico
In a press release on December 8, 2020, Sonoro Gold Corp. announced that they...
Micon Technical Statements
Micon is pleased to unveil a new service available to our clients – the Micon...
Micon to Complete Preliminary Feasibility Study for Magna Gold Corp.
Micon is pleased to announce that it has been retained by Magna Gold Corp. to...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Worldwide Pandemic and Site Visits
A key part of the Qualified Person’s (QP’s) review of mineral properties under...
The CIM Code and Best Practices – Reasonable Prospects for Eventual Economic Extraction
On 29 November, 2019, the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and...
SEC Adopts Rules to Modernize Property Disclosures Required for Mining Registrants
In 2018, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced...
Foran Files Technical Report for McIlvenna Bay Resource
Micon is pleased to announce that Foran Mining Corporation has filed their...
Shortening Mineral Asset Valuations
In reviewing the Exposure Draft of the CIMVAL Code for the Valuation of...
Cabral Gold Engages Micon International to Update Resource Estimate for Cuiú Cuiú Project, Brazil
Micon is pleased to announce its completion of Cabral Gold’s 2018 NI 43-101...
Feasibility Study for Fortune Minerals
Micon is pleased to be part of the team updating the Feasibility Study for...
NI 43-101 Technical Reports: What They Are, and What They’re Not
The purpose of an NI 43-101 Technical Report, as stated in the Form 43-101F1...
Mineral Resource Reporting – Differences between CIM, JORC, and Others
The modern mining history of every country is different but, as a result of...
Quality Control and Quality Assurance Programmes: A Priority, Not an Afterthought
The integrity of a resource database is fundamental to a company’s success in...
Classification of Mineral Resource Estimates
In the first of a series of articles on best practice DOs and DON'Ts, Bill...
Dalradian Resources Inc.
Micon began working with Dalradian Resources Inc. (Dalradian) on its...
Alrosa Case Study
In 2013 Micon completed an independent review and valuation of the ALROSA...
Discoveries in Ontario’s Ring of Fire
The economic geology of the so called Ring of Fire area in the James Bay...
Tin Mining at Pravourmiyskoe
Micon was retained by LLC Pravourmiyskoe to conduct...
Tungsten Mining at Hemerdon
Micon is Independent Engineer on behalf of the senior lenders to the Hemerdon...