Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Due Diligence Review and Audit
Endeavour Financial Limited and Horizonte Minerals Plc Earn “Deal of the Year” Award at Mines and Money, London
Micon would like to congratulate Endeavour Financial Limited and Horizonte...
San Francisco Mine, Sonora, Mexico
Micon has worked with successive owners of this property since 2005, when it...
Micon Technical Statements
Micon is pleased to unveil a new service available to our clients – the Micon...
The CIM Code and Best Practices – Reasonable Prospects for Eventual Economic Extraction
On 29 November, 2019, the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and...
From Metal to Money: The Importance of Reliable Metallurgical Accounting on the Entire Mining Operation
Synopsis This article condenses an earlier paper coauthored by Derick de Wit...
Demystifying Blockchain Technology
On Wednesday, 3 October, Derick R de Wit, Micon Principal Process Engineer and...
Can I Use Historic Assay Data in My Resource Estimate?
From time to time, over the years, Micon has been asked by clients whether...
Due Diligence Reports – an IE’s Perspective
All Investors - private or institutional - need to balance their exposure to...
Mineral Resource Reporting – Differences between CIM, JORC, and Others
The modern mining history of every country is different but, as a result of...
Quality Control and Quality Assurance Programmes: A Priority, Not an Afterthought
The integrity of a resource database is fundamental to a company’s success in...
Why Mines Fail
Following his presentation to the MINEX 2015 Conference in Moscow, we asked...
Tungsten Mining at Hemerdon
Micon is Independent Engineer on behalf of the senior lenders to the Hemerdon...