On May 8, 2017, CIM Magazine published an adaptation of Bill Lewis’ article “NI 43-101 Technical Reports: What They Are, and What They’re Not“, originally published on the Micon website on November 1, 2016.
In his article, Bill points out that the NI 43-101 Technical Report is an invaluable document for both the reporting issuer and investors. However, he notes that these reports often contain too much technical information, which renders them incomprehensible to the untrained reader and less informative to the investing public. Micon recommends that its clients undertake properly documented prefeasibility and feasibility studies that, once completed, can be summarized into an NI 43-101 report for the purposes of regulatory filing. Thus, the company will have all studies and technical information in one place for the purposes of conducting a due diligence review on the information, while nontechnical investors can use the summary contained in the NI 43-101 to form an opinion regarding a project’s potential value. An NI 43-101 report is neither a compendium of every available scrap of information, nor is it a substitute for well-documented pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.
To read Bill’s full article on the CIM Magazine website please click here.
CIM Magazine listed Bill’s article as one of their favourite stories of the year and, on December 21, 2017, it appeared as number 8 in their “Top 10 for 2017“.