Micon’s Principal Geologist, William Lewis, along with our Senior Geologist,...
We Are Back and Better! Tune into the 1st episode of our Micon Insights Podcast
Allow us to reintroduce ourselves!️ We are thrilled to announce the return of...
Valuation Perception in the Mining Industry, Not Much Has Changed in Nearly 100 Years
While doing research for a project I recently ran across a letter to the...
Domaining in Mineral Resource Estimation
What is Domaining? In geology, a geological domain refers to a specific area...
Micon Insights – Technical and Economic Evaluation of Mineral Deposits
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon Insights – Geological and Resource Models: Understanding the Differences
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon Insights – Diligence Reports – an IE’s Perspective
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Micon Insights – Open Pit Mining Requirements Vary with Study Levels
Micon Insights is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Lithium Pegmatites – Is This the Right One?
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Why Mines Fail
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – The ‘Spotted Dog’: Still an Issue in Mineral Resource Classification
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Precision in Resource Classification
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Mining and Sustainability
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – The Importance of Density
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Metallurgical Testing in Project Development
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – Valuation Approaches for Different Types of Mineral Properties
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
The Micon Hour – NI 43-101 Technical Reports: What They Are, and What They’re Not
The Micon Hour is a podcast series created to discuss relevant topics for the...
Ecology and Environmental Professionals in the Changing Sustainability Landscape: Mineral Resources and the Energy Transition – by Karen Nash
On 8th December 2021, the UK Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental...
Fast, Detailed and Practical Estimation of External Dilution for Open Pits
Micon has successfully evaluated the effect of minimum mining dimensions on...
Journey to a Mineral Resource Estimate: Data
Intro As promised in our published article “TOP 10 TIPS FOR MINERAL RESOURCE...
Top 10 Tips for Mineral Resource Estimation
Every mineral deposit is unique and requires a large number of items to...
Navigating the Environmental, Social and Governance Landscape
So, what exactly is ESG? We are becoming used to hearing a range of terms...
Improve the Economics of Your Orebody by Ensuring it is Developed at its Optimum Production Rate
Micon recently completed a very successful scoping-level trade-off study to...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Worldwide Pandemic and Site Visits
A key part of the Qualified Person’s (QP’s) review of mineral properties under...
The CIM Code and Best Practices – Reasonable Prospects for Eventual Economic Extraction
On 29 November, 2019, the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and...
Specialty Mineral Resource Estimates
Originally published on the M.Plan International Limited website on March 16,...
From Metal to Money: The Importance of Reliable Metallurgical Accounting on the Entire Mining Operation
Synopsis This article condenses an earlier paper coauthored by Derick de Wit...
Battery Metals and the Green Tech Revolution – How Easy is it to Mine in Europe?
The term 'Battery Metals' is now widely used within and around the mining...
Technical Reporting and Some Metrics Used in Studies
The last two decades have seen the use of standardized Technical Reports...
Technical and Economic Evaluation of Mineral Deposits
It is customary, though not mandatory, for the evaluation of the technical...
Mineral Resource Estimation
The CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves define Mineral...
Demystifying Blockchain Technology
On Wednesday, 3 October, Derick R de Wit, Micon Principal Process Engineer and...
Shortening Mineral Asset Valuations
In reviewing the Exposure Draft of the CIMVAL Code for the Valuation of...
Lithium Pegmatites – Is This the Right One?
Over the last 10 years, lithium has become a hot commodity due to its...
The Relevance/Non-Relevance of Drill Core Size in Mineral Resource Estimates
In all instances of drilling, maximum recovery of a representative sample is...
The Role of Genetic Models in the Evaluation of Deposits and Estimation of Mineral Resources
Genetic models are rarely mentioned in the estimation of mineral resources and...
The ‘Spotted Dog’ – Still an Issue in Mineral Resource Classification
Despite progress being made by professional organisations towards the...
Geostatistics: Black Box Magic or Skilled Procedure?
Geostatistics had its origins in the 1950s with the initial works of Herbert...
Can I Use Historic Assay Data in My Resource Estimate?
From time to time, over the years, Micon has been asked by clients whether...
Due Diligence Reports – an IE’s Perspective
All Investors - private or institutional - need to balance their exposure to...
When is a Reserve a Reserve?
National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI...
NI 43-101 Technical Reports: What They Are, and What They’re Not
The purpose of an NI 43-101 Technical Report, as stated in the Form 43-101F1...
Mineral Resource Reporting – Differences between CIM, JORC, and Others
The modern mining history of every country is different but, as a result of...
Cut-off Grades for Mineral Resource Reporting
The CIM Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves - Definitions and...
The Role of Environmental Baseline Studies in Mining Projects
Developing a mineral deposit into a producing operation tends to be a long and...
Quality Control and Quality Assurance Programmes: A Priority, Not an Afterthought
The integrity of a resource database is fundamental to a company’s success in...
Continuity in Mineral Resource Estimation
In the second of a series of articles discussing best practice, we focus on...
Classification of Mineral Resource Estimates
In the first of a series of articles on best practice DOs and DON'Ts, Bill...
Why Mines Fail
Following his presentation to the MINEX 2015 Conference in Moscow, we asked...